Chaos to Confidence is a way for you to stop using the excuse of being so busy and distracted that you don't even recognize how stressed your life has become.
I’ve been there. I get it.
I was a corporate workaholic and thought I had it all together – all the time! And now, as a business owner, I can get in a spiral of energy going nowhere pretty fast.
But, here’s what I learned.
Time keeps passing. A week turns into a month, a month turns into a year and then you wake up suddenly, sit up in bed, and realize 5 years have passed.
You need a way to get this under control and make it real for you. A way to get back to experiencing life using all your senses.
Stopping to notice your environment and take it in.
Looking up from your laptop or phone screen to engage.
Picking up your latte in the morning and really taking time to savor it.
Hearing your heartbeat and your breath as if you are hearing them for the first time.
Spending time connecting and laughing with others.
Truly experiencing the joy of the hugs and embraces of friends and family.
But, where do you start? And when?
Guess what?
There will NEVER be a great time to focus on you! Your life won’t provide you with that break automatically – you have to create it.
Are you ready to hit the pause button?
I hope you can take time to listen to some audio lessons. I want to be the voice of reason in your ear, helping you navigate your chaos and learning how to get to the other side of it.
You need something stimulating, yet portable, so you can listen to the lessons at YOUR convenience.
I understand you and that’s EXACTLY what I have created for you. I want you to feel like you are in a safe place, all bundled up in a cozy throw with your feet up. You might want to throw in some hot tea or hot chocolate too…
If you like to picture what you are hearing in the lessons, you can go deeper by using the worksheets for each module.
Don’t wait until you feel ready! You’ll never feel ready! I've made it affordable, so it’s more about your investment of time. Simply jump in and quit wasting your valuable time!
It’s your choice, aren’t you ready to see a new you in the mirror, smiling back at you?
You'll dive into your daily chaos and call it what it is.
You’ll learn to see what is getting in your way but not giving you a return on your investment of time and energy.
You'll learn how to maintain focus even when everything around you is still in chaos.
You’ll learn how to manifest confidence by identifying the chaos and learning to harness it. Like a controlled burn. Learn to let it burn off and not get stuck in the middle of it.
CHAOS TO CONFIDENCE is a mix of audios and worksheets you access in my online academy, and you’ll be able to interact with other like-minded women on our community calls.
It’s a powerful combination.
You’ll have the time to process what comes up when you are working on your own, and then have the opportunity to discuss and interact with others who might also be questioning or second-guessing themselves.
I spent far too much time dwelling in my own chaos and using it as an excuse to NOT do something different.
Don’t waste any more time!
Stop making too many excuses!
Start making room for having fun!
Commit to changing your story!
This course is my way of helping you navigate something important and helping to illuminate the path for you.
A Message from Tina
Hi! I'm Tina Meilleur, an Executive Coach, Business Advisor, author and speaker. My mission is to help if you are struggling to grow your business or enhance your career.
I can take you from UNCERTAINTY TO FOCUSED ACTION to get results AND help surround you with support from me and my community! According to my clients, my coaching programs and CRAVE™ process provide gateways for making simple “tweaks” or a total up-level of your life or business.
I am also the founder of Design Your Success, the online Academy for Business Success and the author of Your Next Chapter: Five Steps to Creating the Life of Your Dreams to help you create your own kick-ass future.
© 2023 I Design Your Success