Why does success often feel empty?

Why does it feel as if your career or business isn’t really feeding your soul?

Have you been coasting on your success, getting complacent along the way?

Are you living for the weekend?

Are you always tired?

Do you run out of patience with those around you?

Life is all about choices, but in order to decide to make a choice, it often requires awareness.

Awareness of how we are feeling, how we have gotten comfortable with a routine, how we are no longer excited every day to do what is before us.

Success is a solid concept for many. It’s about how much you earn, your title, the car you drive, the neighborhood you live in.

At the end of the day, (or at the end of your life), it really doesn’t matter.

What gets more important as you get older are knowing that you are making a difference, established connections, feeling accepted, loved, healthy and vibrant. Don’t get me wrong, having money to support your needs and dreams is also important.

So how do you move from your current state of Success to Significance?

[Tweet “Trade in the things that no longer serve you for things that light you up”]

Remember when you were a child and you were asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Your answer was most likely a profession, or a specific career choice.

What if, as a successful adult, you were to ask yourself this question now “With all of my experience and skills, what can I do that makes me feel like I am making a difference, and that difference will make me feel significant?”

You don’t have to want to change the world (but maybe you do!), however, you can feel significant in your own life. 

You can do what matters to you.

[Tweet “Your life’s work should be something that really matters to you”]

You can understand and pursue your big “why”.

You can feel you are taking advantage of everything you know to expand your horizons.

You can no longer settle for the mundane.

You can stop doing things by habit and start to mix things up.

You can add excitement and color to your life.

Have you ever witnessed a fabulous makeover on television? In this case, a woman comes to the studio for the filming of the show, she is selected for a makeover and is “worked on” for the big reveal during the show. I know this sounds like a silly example, but stay with me……

She emerges from the “before” and “after” shots that are propped up on stage looking like a million dollars. Her clothes fit her body type, her hair fits her complexion, her personality, and her new updated look. That’s the physical part of the transformation.

What you can’t see is the internal transformation that happens – the excitement, the increase in self-confidence, the feeling that her outside appearance may not match the beautiful person she is inside.

That’s the type of transformation I help women make! Not the physical one, but the one that happens internally, where things are real!

Moving from Success to Significance can be extremely rewarding. But it’s a journey – a journey of discovery, of challenging your status quo, of deciding what you want and creating a path to get there.

Here are 5 of my strategies that have worked with my clients. I hope they can work for you as well…..

  1. Take stock of where your life is today. I mean really do a deep dive into what your days and weeks look like! What are your highs and lows? What excites you? When are you bored? When are you least satisfied? Most satisfied? Taking the time to do this exercise will give you some great insights into where you are today.
  2. Define your current and future success. This really begins with you summarizing your current success – how you see yourself and how others may see you. Is your success consistent with where you thought you would be at this stage? Is it rewarding? How do you see your success in the future? Is it different from where you are today?
  3. Articulate your “big why”. Everyone needs some motivation to pursue their success. What was yours? Have you satisfied your it through your current success? Is it time to redefine your “big why” and motivate yourself to achieve in a different direction?
  4. Define how you want to feel. This usually catches my clients off guard, but this concept is at the root of all discontent. If you’re not feeling happy or you’re not enjoying your success, it’s usually because it’s no longer making you feel significant. Your achievements may be leaving you feeling flat or uninspired. Define how you want to feel and use that new information to move in the direction of satisfying those feelings.
  5. Create a new vision for your life that includes what is most important to you. When you have a new vision for your life and document it, you are giving that vision some life of its own. You can use it to make decisions – if something you are about to undertake doesn’t fit your new vision, you may want to go in another direction. It becomes a touchstone for you.

You can do all of this yourself, but once you begin this important work in your life, you may feel you need a guide. That’s where I come in. I’m a Leadership and Business Mentor who has guided so many women through this process. It’s my “Big Why”……..

If you are interested in seeing where you are in terms of these strategies, my free quiz may give you some valuable insights. You can click below to take the quiz and you will receive your results in your inbox along with some information about where you are doing well and where there might be some room for personal growth. The results can help you define your new life vision and it only takes about 4 minutes.

Are you ready to move from Success to Significance? Click Here to Take Your Free Quiz!   

Tina Meilleur is a Leadership and Business Mentor, author and speaker. She is also the founder of Design Your Success and the Academy for Business Success. Her mission is helping high achievers match their desires, skills and experiences with success on their terms. Her “Next Chapter” program and CRAVE™ process are systematic approaches for making simple “tweaks” or orchestrating a total reinvention. Tina is the author of Your Next Chapter: Five Steps to Creating the Life of Your Dreams to help others build anything they want into their life. Tina has a CPA designation in the State of Louisiana and received her MBA from Tulane University in their Executive MBA program. Tina is a highly sought-after mentor, coach, facilitator, and speaker. She can be reached at Tina@DesignYourSuccess.com.