Last month, I spoke to a professional women’s group of over 100 women at their annual retreat about Power Talk for Women. My passion is to help uplift other women and help them show up more powerfully. I was touched that many of the attendees stopped to chat during breaks to share very personal stories.

Do any of the experiences they shared resonate with you?

  • Many were still finding themselves as the lone woman on a team of men – struggling to be heard and respected.
  • One woman shared her story of being bolder as a teenager, only to find herself drawing inward to offer herself protection as she got older.
  • Another woman spoke of the empowerment she felt by simply knowing what to say when she felt the need to freeze or withdraw due to her discomfort.

Each of these special stories was touching and personal – often reflecting insecurities because of past experiences. Does that ever happen to you? Do you allow your past experiences and outcomes to shape how you show up now?

However, when you receive support from other women when speaking your truth to them, don’t you feel heard and validated? It is a feeling you should experience in all interactions.

Won’t you join me in growing the Power Talk for Women Leaders group on LinkedIn? I want it to become a place where we can share our most pressing issues – real-time – and receive support and ideas for solutions. It’s a brand-new group, so we can build it as we go and make it something special.

You can join the group HERE.

And in the meantime, if you need anything, or have an issue you’d like to workshop with me, please reach out – I’d love to connect!