What do you want out of your business?

Financial Success

I could go on and on, but you get my drift. We all go into business because we have an idea about how to help other people, serve an unmet need, become our own boss, etc. It doesn’t move from great idea or hobby until we start making money – and by that, I mean profits!

When I created my business in 2014, I had a vision for helping other women just like me. Those that had a need to do something greater and the courage to follow through. But that is not enough. It takes a solid support system – one in which you can learn, grow, test new concepts, and pivot as necessary. All while you feel there are others that have your back.

So, when I say, “Be the B.O.S.S.”, I am referring to my Business Owner Support System (B.O.S.S.)©.

My vision is to put the right women together:

  1. Who share common purpose
  2. Who have the drive to be successful
  3. Who are open to the feedback and help of others
  4. Who want to have a safety net of others who are in the same situation or even a few steps ahead
  5. Who wish to hold themselves accountable and willing to do the same for others
  6. Who are willing to recommend tools and resources
  7. Who are open to helping others in the group grow their network and influence
  8. Who honor other women and lift each other up

I am working to put the finishing touches on the B.O.S.S. Circle, which is designed to be everything I have described above. If you want to be part of the B.O.S.S. Circle, stay tuned! I’ll be rolling it out to my own “circle” first, so if you want to be one of the first to know, please let me know!

If you want any more details or have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out by replying to this email. And if you have a particular question, please feel free to schedule a complimentary targeted call with me here.