Learn to follow your “Inner Voice”

Learn to follow your “Inner Voice”

I was with a group of dynamic women business owners last month. We were discussing the status of some of their most critical business issues. An interesting theme emerged from the discussion – the need for us to follow our “inner voice”. You can use several phrases to...
Focus on Key Actions

Focus on Key Actions

As a business owner, do you have lots of great ideas and never enough time to pursue them all? So, in your business, how do you ensure that you are spending your time on your highest value activities? Each item you choose to focus on brings an entire list of “to-do’s”...
5 Ways to Tell You Need a Break Without Feeling Guilty

5 Ways to Tell You Need a Break Without Feeling Guilty

I’ve been struggling lately. I’m overwhelmed. I’m doing what I’m passionate about, but it’s gotten out of hand. I need to return to what I know to do. Take a break. I used to feel guilty. Uncertain of what would happen if I did take a...
6 Ways to Become a Supermodel of Self-Love

6 Ways to Become a Supermodel of Self-Love

Is fully loving yourself hard? You bet it is! Can other people tell when you don’t love yourself? Sometimes yes! Are you ready to show up Confidently? Bravely? Boldly? I think you are. But how do you get there? It starts with loving yourself, my friend....