Business Insights, Career Advice, Confidence, Decision Making, Energize Your Career, Leadership, Navigate Your Life, Propel Your Business, Self Esteem, Your Next Chapter |
THE IMPOSTER SYNDROME – THE UGLY TRUTH Immediately after winning her Oscar, Viola Davis referenced the Imposter Syndrome when she said in an interview, “I still feel like I am going to wake up and everybody is going to see the hack I am.” Actress Emma...
Business Insights, Career Advice, Confidence, Decision Making, Energize Your Career, Leadership, Navigate Your Life, Self Esteem, Uncategorized, Your Next Chapter |
Have you ever heard the phrase “If you don’t like what is happening to you, why don’t you just change it?” Easier said than done, don’t you think? The power in this question is that it can elicit a pause from you, a moment in time...
Business Insights, Career Advice, Energize Your Career, Leadership, Propel Your Business, Self Esteem |
We’ve all experienced it. We get into our offices on Monday morning and we get a case of the blues. We had a good weekend – maybe visited with family or friends. Maybe hunkered down with a good book. Perhaps we went to a much-awaited movie, worked in the...
Business Insights, Career Advice, Confidence, Decision Making, Energize Your Career, Leadership, Propel Your Business, Self Esteem |
Are you aware of how you allow others to push your buttons? Yes, that’s right! I just said “how you ALLOW others to push your buttons…….” We never think of it this way – we think others are out to get us and know how to push those buttons that get us all worked...
Business Insights, Confidence, Decision Making, Navigate Your Life, Relationship with Money, Self Esteem |
I don’t have a money tree, do you? I’ve worked hard for every dollar I’ve earned.My attitude toward money definitely began with my family. Whenever I asked for something I wanted that was expensive or not really necessary, I got responses like these, but...
Business Insights, Career Advice, Decision Making, Energize Your Career, Navigate Your Life, Propel Your Business, Self Esteem |
Happy Personal Independence Day! According to Wikepedia, Independence Day in the United States is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 the date on which the United States formally separated from Great...