The Holiday “NO”

The Holiday “NO”

Do you find yourself over-stressed and over-booked? It happens to all of us! My power tip for this holiday season is to use the holiday “NO”. If you can’t fit in one more event, or commit to volunteer one more time, or work on one more deliverable (that can probably...
5 Ways to Tell You Need a Break Without Feeling Guilty

5 Ways to Tell You Need a Break Without Feeling Guilty

I’ve been struggling lately. I’m overwhelmed. I’m doing what I’m passionate about, but it’s gotten out of hand. I need to return to what I know to do. Take a break. I used to feel guilty. Uncertain of what would happen if I did take a...
6 Ways to Become a Supermodel of Self-Love

6 Ways to Become a Supermodel of Self-Love

Is fully loving yourself hard? You bet it is! Can other people tell when you don’t love yourself? Sometimes yes! Are you ready to show up Confidently? Bravely? Boldly? I think you are. But how do you get there? It starts with loving yourself, my friend....
7 Forbidden Conversations for Women

7 Forbidden Conversations for Women

What are Forbidden Conversations for Women?  A Forbidden Conversation is one that you want to have, but you’re afraid to express. It’s one that’s been churning in your gut, but you continue to suppress. It’s the result of years of burying your...
Are You Kidding Me?…Some Men Still Don’t Get It!

Are You Kidding Me?…Some Men Still Don’t Get It!

Progress for Women? Sure. But has it been enough? Women are still in the shadows. In many ways, unwillingly. Often in the spirit of professional and personal survival. I spent the bulk of my career with a Fortune 500 company, one who made sure that I always felt safe...