Leadership, Your Next Chapter |
STRENGTH AND AUTHENTICITY These appear to be concepts at odds with each other. We have a case study right in front of us – the presidential election. As women, we witnessed the continuing divide associated with how women feel they have to present themselves and...
Navigate Your Life, Your Next Chapter |
Recently, there has been much focus on mindfulness. And before you start thinking “I can’t meditate,” let me explain. Mindfulness is simply “being in the moment.” Being aware of your surroundings, feeling the breeze on your face,...
Business Insights, Career Advice, Confidence, Decision Making, Energize Your Career, Leadership, Navigate Your Life, Self Esteem, Uncategorized, Your Next Chapter |
Have you ever heard the phrase “If you don’t like what is happening to you, why don’t you just change it?” Easier said than done, don’t you think? The power in this question is that it can elicit a pause from you, a moment in time...