What is an Executive Coach?
How do I find the right one for me?

These are valid questions I hear all the time!

There are a ton of coaches out there, all with different focus areas targeting different types of clients. When you find messaging that resonates with you, that is a coach worth checking out – but please hire someone with leadership and business experience!

My clients are high-powered women who are often high-level professionals or own their own businesses – or those who want to be ready to do so.

I am a professionally trained coach with a CPA and an Executive MBA. I worked in Senior Level Leadership and Executive ranks. I have worked in companies of different sizes and industries. With this level of experience, there is hardly a situation I have not tackled or been exposed to.

This is the type of coach you want. Sure, I can work on mindset – and I’m very effective in doing so with you. But – so many of my clients need PRACTICAL ideas they can implement right away. They have a difficult situation or a significant pain point that they need a solution for RIGHT AWAY.

That’s where I come in. My Executive Coaching Package clients have access to me between sessions – because that’s the way your issues happen – not once or twice a month when we have a scheduled session. You need help when you need help. We can build a high level of mutual trust because I honor you as an individual, respect your talents and skills, and operate with confidentiality.

I can help you enhance your Leadership Skills, learn to manage conflict, communicate for outcomes, tackle difficult team situations, and look at business issues through a different lens.

If you are interested in learning more, simply click here to book a complimentary targeted session with me. No obligation!