future goals to love what you do


Is it possible to create a new paradigm around your future goals? You bet! It takes a longer term outlook than what you are probably used to. It requires a little more in-depth work on your part – a little extra digging into what you really want. It’s not rocket science, but it involves something you probably are not used to – focusing on you!

In our economy and our world, we have grown accustomed to the immediacy of the “thing” right in front of us. We focus for a second and then move on to what grabs our attention next. What if you took a step back and focused on your future in a way that serves you for a change. When you take care of you, you have more energy to give to others. You wind up with a better frame of mind. Many times, you discover you can fit it all in, including time for you.

This works whether you are interested in making changes in your life, career, or in your business. It all begins with you and what you truly want. This is not always about achieving one thing, but a range of areas of focus that cause you to feel a certain way. Nothing could be more rewarding than doing what you love and feeling satisfied while doing it.


What about starting with this question – “What would make me happier than I am today?”. It is a pivotal question for you, but if answered honestly, will reveal a lot about what you truly want. Getting to the right focus is a hard task, because it requires that you dig a little deeper and get a little uncomfortable. Not many people are willing to do just that!

Here are some statements to help you begin to focus in the right direction:

  1. I would be happier tomorrow if I could…..
  2. These are some things I would like to do LESS.
  3. Here are some things I would like to do MORE.
  4. I need to start feeling more……

There are no right or wrong answers, just answers that help you zero in on planning your future.


For some, it is “cold turkey” like smoking cessation. For most, however, it is a longer-range shift. Shifts that dramatically change your trajectory are filled with lots of self-doubt, second-guessing, and uncertainty. Within that discomfort is where the real magic happens! You can’t see it when you are in the midst of it, but it is there.

[Tweet “When you are in the midst of a breakthrough, discomfort is where the magic happens…”]

The gradual, longer-range shift is a bit easier on the psyche. Planning and executing your future goals helps you ease into your future state rather than having the feeling that you are jumping into the deep end of the pool. As you ease into a future that you have designed just for you, things will start to feel more and more comfortable. This feeling of comfort can act as a motivating energy to keep you moving forward.


Here are five ways to tell if you are on the right track:

  1. Do your future goals make you light up when you think about them? 
  2. How do your future goals make use of your life experience and your specific gifts?
  3. Is the way you would like to feel woven into your future goals? 
  4. When you review your future goals, do you feel a different kind of energy?
  5. Can you picture yourself achieving these future goals and living a life that excites you?

Just remember, planning your next phase through developing and achieving future goals can be one of the most rewarding exercises in your life. For most of you, the achievement of your primary goals has already happened and you have achieved so many great things. What if you could look at this phase of planning as the “tweaking” of your goals for the future to make your achievements more personal, more customized, and more rewarding? Something “just for you” for a change…

If the ideas and techniques in this blog interested you, please feel free to see how ready you might be for this next phase of change. I’ve designed a quiz just for women like you, so you can get some insights into where you are in your future goals mindset. You can click on the button below and it will take you to my complimentary quiz.

I want to know how ready I am for setting my future goals!

Sending support for your journey,


I’m Tina Meilleur and a Leadership and Business Mentor, author and speaker. You can learn more about my story here. I am also the founder of Design Your Success and the Academy for Business Success. My mission is helping high achievers match their desires, skills and experiences with success on their terms. My “It’s My Turn” program and CRAVE™ process are systematic approaches for making simple “tweaks” or orchestrating a total reinvention. I am the author of Your Next Chapter: Five Steps to Creating the Life of Your Dreams to help others build anything they want into their life. I have a CPA designation in the State of Louisiana and received my MBA from Tulane University in their Executive MBA program. I’m a highly sought-after mentor, life coach, female CEO facilitator, business strategist/coach, and speaker. You can reach out to me at Tina@DesignYourSuccess.com.