I work to juggle everything every day. There are times when my juggling truly gets out of balance – and that time is now. I am working through a breast cancer diagnosis and making difficult decisions regarding surgery and treatment. I have approached this health challenge much like every other problem in my life – business or personal. I gather data, explore options, and work to make an informed decision on a path forward. I gain strength from my late mom who faced breast cancer twice with bravery and determination. She set the tone for my journey.
This is turning out to be a valuable lesson for me in so many ways. I am opening up in ways that I have long resisted. I am not a person who is comfortable asking for help. I am usually the one giving the help.
I have also had others ask about how I am doing. I am doing well, and I have found that the predominant feeling I am experiencing is GRATITUDE.
I am truly grateful…
- For the diligence in regular screening based on my risk factors, allowing us to discover it very early.
- For a great care team based on referrals from women I trust.
- For my faith that provides me comfort, particularly in times of challenge.
- For my circle of women – those that I know well and those that I am getting to know – who have been so supportive and giving. It has truly blown me away.
- For the resources that I can access to help me navigate this health journey.
However, within this gratitude is the recognition that not all women have access to the same level of care that I do. It is important for me to realize that and pay it forward. Some of the resources are a result of having insurance – which not all women can afford. But – there are a lot of resources that are provided by volunteers and non-profits. We all need to get the word out to help our fellow women.
The other thing I have found out is that I need to share my story. In letting go of my need to be somewhat private in the spirit of staying upbeat and positive, my sharing of this story has opened the door to other breast cancer survivors sharing their stories with me. These women are truly inspiring and have illustrated that they are not only surviving but thriving!
Keep going in the face of adversity – we are all here for you!