

By now, you may be wondering why resolutions don’t work. It’s maybe been a few days but it can also be a few months – and you are disappointed in yourself. Wait, what?????? Creating resolutions are designed to help you reach your goals, tackle something that makes you struggle, or generally be better. When you approach resolutions in the old-fashioned way, you are setting yourself up to fail. And that never feels good.

I don’t know about you, but I hate to start the year off with great promise and enthusiasm quickly followed by disappointment in my lack of commitment or achievement. It seems like a joy-busting activity, which is exactly the opposite of what I was trying to create. I meant to provide myself with motivation and self-confidence in thinking that great things were possible. But a few days, weeks, or months in – that’s not what I am feeling at all!


Resolutions should be a way for your to frame your personal and professional aspirations in a way that motivates you to commit to their achievement. There is no shame in creating resolutions that FEEL good to you because they are attainable and encompass some aspect of your life that you would like to improve.

Resolutions should help you feel like you are moving forward in a healthy, constructive way – while getting in touch with what is most important to you.  Sometimes resolutions are meant to be hard – they provide a way for you to tackle those things that get in your way.

Creating resolutions should feel like an exercise of self-love. It should lift you up instead of beating you down. So why do we keep repeating the same pattern by creating resolutions that don’t work for us?

[Tweet “Creating resolutions should feel like an act of self-love #resolutions”]


There is an approach that can help you redefine your method of creating resolutions that really make you happy. I have 7 tips to help you navigate this approach. Take a look, apply them, and see if they help you…

  1. USE YOUR INTUITION – Tap into what your heart and your gut is telling you about where to focus. The goal here is to focus on things that are meaningful and should be a priority for you. If you attempt to tackle something that is not aligned with your intuition, you will face resistance.
  2. USE YOUR VISION – What is your vision for your life? For your next year? Your vision, combined with your intuition, provides a powerful source of inspiration for you to define your resolutions in a way that will change both your approach and your results.
  3. ALIGN YOUR “INNER GAME” – Resistance, frustration, lack of self-confidence – this all comes from your “inner game”. What are you telling yourself about where you are headed and the likelihood that you will get where you are going? When you align your mind with the energy of possibility, you are more likely to achieve what you set out to do.
  4. TAP INTO THE POWER OF COMMITMENT – Once you define your areas of focus that are truly aligned with your vision and intuition, it is so much easier to make commitments to staying on course. Commitment becomes what you rely on when motivation starts to ebb and flow. Your commitment will keep you moving forward.
  5. GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION – The kindest thing you can do for yourself if to give yourself permission. You not only need permission to focus on yourself, but you also give yourself permission to forgive yourself when things get off track. When you dwell on getting off track (and it WILL happen), you will lose momentum in reaching your goals. 
  6. TAKE MICRO-STEPS – One of the reasons you get overwhelmed when you try to tackle your resolutions has to do with your belief that you must take HUGE steps that match your HUGE aspirations. By breaking your resolutions down to smaller, achievable goals, you are more likely to tackle them without the debilitating overwhelmed feelings you have had before.
  7. TAKE TIME TO CELEBRATE – When you accomplish a milestone in your resolutions, take time to celebrate the win! It is so important to fuel your motivation with little wins (or big ones!). You will learn to thrive on the positive reinforcement you give yourself by incorporating this practice. Give it a try – what do you have to lose?

[Tweet “BIG aspirations can be achieved with micro-steps #resolutions”]


Do you want help in reinforcing these tips to make your resolutions really work for you? I’ve designed a free POWERFUL RESOLUTIONS 7-day challenge that you can do at any time during the year! I offer seven days of short motivational videos designed to reinforce these tips and give you some additional ideas to allow you to define your resolutions in a way that fits you.

You can sign up by clicking the button below and you will start to receive an email with a video each day for 7 days. You can watch or listen at your leisure – whenever you need a dose of extra motivation from me. I’d love to have you join the challenge!

Click here to join the 7-day challenge!


Hi! I’m Tina Meilleur, an Executive Coach, Business Advisor, author and speaker. My mission is to help you grow in your life or business by helping you focus on what to do next. I can take you from UNCERTAINTY TO FOCUSED ACTION to get results AND help surround you with support from me and my community!  According to my clients, my coaching programs and CRAVE™ process provide gateways for making simple “tweaks” or a total up-level of their life or business. I am also the founder of Design Your Success, the online Academy for Business Success and the author of Your Next Chapter: Five Steps to Creating the Life of Your Dreams. I have a CPA designation in Louisiana and received my MBA from Tulane University – Executive MBA program. I’m a highly sought-after coach, facilitator of female CEO round-tables, business strategist, and speaker. You can click here to learn more about my story, or reach out to me at