Finding Connection


Finding the right community for you should be easy, right? Wait a sec – not so fast! You can have your friends and your family, but do they really “get” you? I mean, do they get the “you” that you have become? The one who has the current challenges associated with your stage in life, your circumstances, your new business venture, or even your desire to figure out what you want to do next? Maybe not…

That’s what I mean by finding the right “community”. In the context of community as I am describing, it is the gathering of like-minded individuals who share the same concerns, experiences, uncertainty, desire to help each other, and who are generally looking to feel less alone in their individual quest.

This is such an important concept, I felt compelled to write about it. My involvement in different “communities” – some in-person, others online – overall have been very positive, but it is hard to find the right one to meet your needs at any given time.


I hate to say it, but you’ll know! Something in your life has changed or is about to change. You feel as if you have less in common with your current friends or family members. Do you feel misunderstood, or worse yet, dismissed when you try to articulate what you are going through? Are you dying to undertake a new chapter in your life, but don’t know where to start OR are you scared to death to try?

A community of like-minded individuals can really help you navigate both your situation and your feelings and can stick with you as you ride the waves of emotions associated with life or business changes.


 1. Focus on what you need

Think about where you are in your life or business and what type of support you might need. This becomes the operative question you can ask yourself to find the right community, “What is my biggest challenge right now?”

2. Be prepared to clearly state your goals for participation –

When you ask for what you need, your needs are more likely to be met. AND, you will be able to check you are in the right place.

3. Find a group leader or administrator that is a good fit for you – 

The leader of the group is someone that will be directing the community to a degree, so it is important to select a community in which the tone and personality of the leader resonates with you.

4. Determine how much you wish to share and how – 

You can be an introvert in a community, but you will get the best results when you learn to trust and share. Take your time to participate on your terms, but don’t be shy!

5. Check around for recommendations or follow groups to see what they are about – 

Test the waters to see how things are handled in certain groups online or ask for recommendations for local groups or communities. These are your best sources of finding a fit.

I’m always interested in being of service to those in my community. My community includes mostly career women, women business owners, or women who are interested in figuring out “what’s next” in their personal or professional life. We are energized, supportive, motivated, respectful and we share our biggest challenges in a place where no one feels left behind.

So, I’d love to hear from you! Comment below and let me know the answer to this question:

What is your biggest challenge right now?

If you are interested in staying in touch with me and the rest of my community, click the button below to take a quick survey. I want to know more about what you need and where you are so I can provide content and support for you and the other women in my community. 



Hi! I’m Tina Meilleur, an Executive Coach, Business Advisor, author and speaker. My mission is to help women uncover and connect with what they crave in their life or career AND help surround them with support from me and my community!  According to my clients, my coaching programs and CRAVE™ process provide gateways for making simple “tweaks” or a total up-level of your life or business. I am also the founder of Design Your Success, the online Academy for Business Success and the author of Your Next Chapter: Five Steps to Creating the Life of Your Dreams to help you create your own kick-ass future. I have a CPA designation in the State of Louisiana and received my MBA from Tulane University in their Executive MBA program. I’m a highly sought-after coach, facilitator of female CEO round-tables, business strategist, and speaker. You can learn more about my story here, or reach out to me at